Friday, June 4, 2010

Pancake Breakfast for the Last Teacher Workday of the Year

Special Thank You to Joe Asaro, Tracy Lindsey, Belinda Harrell
 and Cindy Watford for going to the school this morning and preparing 
a pancake breakfast for Creighton Staff. I am sure it was greatly 
appreciated. Now our Summer officially begins!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Schools Out!

Have A Great Summer to All Creighton Students, Parents and Staff! 
Check back often for updates on the coming 2010/2011 School Year.

We will miss our fourth graders!

Thank You to our amazing staff for the Awards Ceremony. 
I think that the kids really appreciated the time and effort put into
 recognizing their achievements.

Thank You to all of our PAW and WATCHdog parents for an outstanding year in Parent Participation. Your involvement makes a huge difference in the lives of your children and others.