Meeting Minutes 2013/2014

PTO TODAY - Roberts Rules and What you Should Know

2013/2014 COMING SOON!

Creighton Elementary PAW/PTO Meeting Agenda
Date: Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Meeting called by Towana Leal
Time: 8:40 a.m.
Board Members
Towana Leal, President; Amy Koenig, Vice-president; Cindy Watford,  Treasurer; Jessica Ramirez, Secretary; Staci Seitz, Parliamentarian
 Towana Leal, Amy Koenig, Staci Seitz, Andra Pelly, Jessica Ramirez, Tara Murray, Sabrina Green,  Angela Perry
PTO/IRS Paperwork/Budget
Update On PTO Today/ Email
Fall Festival
Translation of sheets for PTO
Update Calendar
Home Room Parents
Open House
4th Grade Play
Committee Chairs
A.     ByLaws 
a.     Check on wording - remove item stating removal from office when consecutive meetings are missed. Use wording stating under extinuating circumstances need to be brought to officers attention.
b.     Will be Finalized and send to Mrs. Watson
B.     PTO/IRS Paperwork
a.     Cindy Watford working with Terry French, update next meeting
b.     Account Balance is  $4, 083.00 - witfj funds to increase once money is put back into account from dollars spent on school supply orders
c.     Team is working on budget to accomdate fall festival, school plays, full color yearbook
C.     PTO Today/Email - officers using tool to keep PTO/PAW club up to date
a.     Passwords - officers all informed
b.     Updates- officers all informed
c.     Email password changes – for officers only
D.    Fall Festival
a.     Vendor applications - applications revised and will be sent to Mrs. Watson for approval/translation. Once approved/translated they will be available for vendors. We can have up to 3 food vendors, all must have their current liscenses. 
b.     Sheets and Packets - Staci Seitz will work with Jessica Ramirez on creating propper packets for vendors
c.     Instructions for volunteers - Staci Seitz will work with Jessica Ramirez on creating proper packets for volunteers
d.     Attractions vs. games - Angela Perry working on getting iformation on moonwalks for place on 242. Will teachers be coming up with their own booths or will we pick for them. Orders for Oriental Trading due to Ms. French September 14th. We have 2 approved vendors to order from, US Toys and Oriental Trading.
e.     Budget will be worked on as we determine needs for purchases.  Looking to spend minimal
f.      Guidelines for Fall Festival - Staci Seitz has ongoing list of procedures for festival, will compile with old guidelines and have ready for vendors/meeting.
g.     Money handling - will be kept central by Treasurer, Cindy Watford. We will keep track of tickets turned into booths for counting and tallying so that we can determine if booth was successful or not for following years to come. We will have set a number max amount to be kept at table (ex. 300.00) and then it will be safely deposited into school safe.
h.     Finalize our booths - Representatives will attend teacher staff meeting Sept. 6th to determine what booths teachers will do, then PAW/PTO will determine what booths we will head up and that will let us know what type of volunteer staff we will need.
i.      New Games/Booths - Apples game where prize will be inside of apple vs. having to supply prize separately.  Lolly pop tree, oreo cookie game, pie eating contest, cupcake walk instead of cake walk-see about getting them donated by various local stores.  Moon walk, inflatable obsitcal course (Angela Perry asking about) - can we keep them indoors?, marshmellow game, silly string, bracelet making, school store, Andrea will work with teachers on letting them know when deadline to order is (9/14).
j.      What do we have left - various discussions regarding new games, new vendors, how to reach new contacts for booth rentals. Follow up with Cindy Watford regarding Craft Circuit
k.     Cost Analysis - we will tally tickets and money to see what booths were a success and poplular and ones that are not we will not redo next year.
E.      Updated Calendar - handout given to meeting atttendees, added Open House to Sept. 6th slot.
a.     Find out dates for:
                                          i.    Invention Convention - not discussed
                                         ii.    Thanksgiving Feast - not discussed
F.     Homeroom Parents
a.     Coordinator? no coordinator, voted that teacher and homeroom parent relationship should be determined by teacher and parent of choice. Voted that a Homeroom Liason, Tara Murray, will be made availible for homeroom parents guidance and questions. Tara will be responsible to sending reminders to parents selected by their teachers of dates of events and guidelines set by Mrs. Watson.
b.     Guidelines and Rules - Team will work with Jessica Ramirez to put homeroom parent volunteer packets together.
c.     Dates for treat days
                                          i.    Fall treat day - October 28th
                                         ii.    Spring treat day - February 14th
d.     Teachers and Para sheets - did not disguss
e.     Photography needs - met with Mrs. Watson last school year and determined that we have permission to attend special activities in class rooms. We (officers or selected PAW/PTO volunteers) are attending teacher staff meetings monthly so that we may be made aware of events to come. First mtg will be September 6th, PAW/PTO volunteers attending will be Andrea Pelly, Angela Perry, and Kim Asaro. Andrea will discuss importance of met deadline for ordering items for fall festival (Sept. 14th), Kim will address silent auction and teacher-PAW/PTO liasons.  
G.    Open House
a.     September 6, 2011  - unable to work with having a picnic, too hot and inadequate time to notify parents.
H.    4th Grade Play
a.     Costumes have/need - need all, would like them done by dress rehersal
b.     Prop Needs- still being discussed with music teacher.
c.     Ice Cream Sales? - if we can sell ice cream floats to guests
d.     Photography - be able to have photos taken sent to us for yearobook use.
e.     Dates of Dress Rehersals - still being disgussed with music teaceher
f.      Programs - we need to find out from music teacher what she wants on them and how to get them copied since there are copy restrictions now due to budget cuts. 
I.     Committee Chairs          
a.     Yearbook – Jessica Ramirez
b.     Fall Festival – Staci Seitz
c.     Open House – None
d.     Homeroom Coordinator – voted against coordinator and voted on individual to be avaiable for help should it arise from homeroom parent selected by teachers.  Tara Murray will chair
e.     Veteran’s Day – Staci Seitz
f.      4th Grade Play – Kim Asaro
g.     3rd Grade Play – No chair- Towana Leal will help, Amy Koenig will help.
h.     Polar Express/Ornaments – Tara Murray
i.      Volunteer Appreciation/Coordinator – PAW/PTO
j.      Teacher Appreciation – Cindy Watford
k.     STAAR Testing – Snacks/goodies for children
l.      Field Day – Staci Seitz
m.   Waterday – Joe Asaro 
n.   Book Fair/library - kim Asaro

J.     Sub Committee Chairs for Fall Festival
a.     Silent Auction – Kim Asaro/Ms. Silva
b.     Games and Attractions – Will discuss again with teachers if needed otherwise at new meetings called by Staci/Andrea
c.     Prizes – must be ordered by 9/14
d.     Vendors – getting apps apprvoed
e.     Food – can have up to 3 outside vendors with licenses, we need a license to see hot foods and cold foods.
f.      Volunteers -start gathering them as needed
g.     Booths - start getting them rented. $20 plus item for silent auction.