Sunday, December 11, 2011

Santa's Stuck in the 50's! Fourth Grade Christmas Program.

The fourth grade play was just fantastic! The children all worked so hard and it really paid off with a great performance. We just wanted to take a second to thank a few very important helpers. None of this could have happened without the people behind the scenes. If I've forgotten someone, please forgive me and drop me a comment! There are many more pictures available to fourth grade parents on the program website. This website is provided by Shutterfly, so the pictures are available for purchase. Message me if you have lost the link!

Parent volunteers

Felecha Freeman
Staci Seitz
Jessica Ramirez
Raymond Ramirez
Andrea Pelley
Joe Asaro
Kim Asaro


Kay Kammerdiener
Greg Kammerdiener
Rose Lingerfelt
Paige Kirbo
Ryan Jordan
Paula Brown
Amy Perry
Amy Hall

Most importantly... Thank you to all the fourth graders and their parents for being there and assisting your student with costumes and rehearsing at home! I am so proud of each of them for their commitment.

Monday, November 28, 2011

ATTN: 4th Grade Parents!!

Our fourth grade Christmas program is next week and I wanted to take a second to let parents know what they need as far as costuming is concerned.You may supply the entire costume if you'd like, but please call and let me know!

PLEASE label each item and send with your child by Wednesday November 30th.


Parents provide:
brown or white shirt
jeans (boys) or leggings (girls)

I'm making brown tunics for the reindeer to wear over a brown or white t-shirt and jeans (boys) or leggings (girls). These will need to be supplied by parents. Staci Seitz is making poodle skirts for girls. Felecha Freeman will provide reindeer antlers. The kids will begin the play as reindeer and have a costume change in the middle. They will then be 50's reindeer. You may supply the entire costume if you'd like, but please call and let me know!

Elves -

Parents provide:

red or green shirt
jeans (boys) or leggings (girls)
funny knit or elf hat
elf shoes

I'm making red or green tunics for the elves to wear over red or green t-shirts and jeans(boys) or leggings (girls). These will need to be provided by parents. Parents can also add an elf  (or knit) hat or shoes to the costume. Staci Seitz is making poodle skirts for girls. The kids will begin the play as elves and transition into 50's elves. You may supply the entire costume if you'd like but please call and let me know!

Choir - Regular dress clothes (Sunday best)

Friday, November 4, 2011

PTO MEETNG rescheduled!

We will have a PTO meeting on Monday, November 7th at 8:15 am. It will be held on the PTO portable.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fruit bowl schedule for October!

Thank you to all of the families that help to make this small gift to our teachers successful! They truly enjoy each basket.

10/3  Cindy Watford
10/10 Hollie Johnson
10/17 kim asaro
10/24 Staci Seitz
10/31 Cindy Watford


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Desperately seeking.... volunteers for Creighton's library!

Mrs. Hall, our librarian, could use a few more parents to assist with shelving book's in the library a few hours a week. Please let her know if you are interested by following this link and sending her an e-mail. You may also call the school and ask for the library.

Speaking of the library, our school book fair will begin on October 17th. We will need volunteer's for this event, as well. Please contact me or Mrs. Hall if you are interested in volunteering for the book fair.

Book Fair Information

WHEN: Oct 17 - Oct 21


Mon, Oct 17 Sales from 8-3PM
Tues, Oct 18 Sales from 8-3PM
Wed, Oct 19 Sales from 8-3PM
Thurs, Oct 20 Sales from 8-3PM
 Family Night4-6PM
Fri, Oct 21 Sales from 8-3PM


(936) 709-7237

Kim Asaro

By the way... This is the book on my kids most wanted list! Great for all reading levels.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Second Annual Fall Festival - November 12th

 Our Second Annual Fall Festival will be held on Saturday, November 12th from 10:00am - 2:00pm. We are still looking for food, craft and market vendors. The booths will be 20.00 each  plus an item for the silent auction for a 12 * 15 ft space. All food vendors MUST provide a license. You also MUST provide your own Set-up, tear-down, tables, chairs, tarps and any other equipment needed.  We would love to see school families participate in some way, so please let us know if you have any ideas for your family. To do this we are going to need a Huge volunteer force to pull it off. Staci Seitz and  Andrea Fitzgerrell will be the co-chair for this event. All proceeds will go directly to our school.
 Please help us make this event a success!

Will need

craft vendors
fruit/vegetable vendors
plant vendors / fall seedlings / herbscanners
tupperware or any direct sales people
fall harvest such as pumpkins
possible carnival games and booths.
Silent auction items - See Kim Asaro to help with this!

Cake walk
Ring Toss
face painters
petting zoo
dino dig

 As you can see, we need ideas and lots of help.  Please e-mail us with any thoughts, ideas, or interests in booths. 

Co-chairs-PTO Division:
Staci Seitz:
Andrea Fitzgerrell:

sub committee chairs:
   Silent Auction: Kimberly Asaro; 
                         Mrs. Silva
Towana Leal

PTO President    

Kimberly Asaro

Monday, August 22, 2011

Meet Your Fabulous PTO! 2011-2012

Meet Your PTO!

Top left:
Outgoing President Kimberly Asaro

Middle- left to right:
President - Towana Leal
Parliamentarian - Staci Seitz
Secretary - Jessica Ramirez
Treasurer - Cindy Watford
Box Tops Coordinator - Belinda Carlisle

Vice President - Amy Koenig

August/September 2011 Calendar


August 22nd - First Day of School
August 25th - T-shirts
August 30th - PTO meeting @ 8:15


September 5th - Labor Day
September 6th - Staff Meeting
September 13th - PTO meeting
September 15th - Cookie Dough begins
September 21st- Read for a better life
September 27th - PTO meeting / Staff meeting

Saturday, April 30, 2011

May PAW Volunteer Events

May 2nd - PAW Meeting - May 2nd @ 8:30am Drawing items due
May 6th - Invention Convention -3rd grade- NO volunteers                         
                  needed at this time.
                  Volunteers needed to laminate tags for field day
May 9th - 14th Creighton Teacher Appreciation Week
May 10th - Teacher Appreciation luncheon - volunteers needed
                   from 10am until 2:00pm to set up and serve
May 11th - Jessica and Kim pick up cake and cupcakes at Sams
May 12th - 10th Anniversary celebration - volunteers needed 
                   from 10am until 2:00 pm to set up and serve
                   Jessica and Kim- pick up fruit trays from HEB by 
May 17th - PAW meeting @ 8:30
                   complete field day schedule - pass out water in car 
                   rider line (tentative)
May 20th - Belinda Pizza for winning box tops class 
                    (work with Mrs Brown on this)
May 27th - Field Day - 36 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!!
May 30th - 3rd and fourth grade water day - volunteers needed
May 31st -  June 2nd BOGO  book fair - volunteers needed

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Go Fish!

Mrs. Kammerdiener, our music director, just directed our third graders in a fantastic music program titled Go Fish! It was an undersea musical adventure that our entire student body, as well as staff and parents enjoyed a great deal. We did have a problem with our sound for the morning show, but that was resolved by the nighttime performance thanks to one of our WATCH d.o.g. dads, Raymond Ramirez. Our set was designed by our art teacher, Mrs. Lingerfelt, and quite a few of our costumes were made and funded by PAW parents, as well as some incredible costumes provided by students and their parents. Mr. Kammerdiener, the husband of our music director, built the mast and ships wheel.  Many hours went into assembling the stage set and we were all exhausted by the end of the day, but I must tell you that it was a lot of fun and worth every second. Most importantly, our third graders were quite impressive and I have no doubt that each of them will succeed in all that they take on!

Special Thank You's


Mrs. Jennifer Watson * Principal
Mrs. Rian Stepp * Assistant Principal
Mrs. Ashlie Baker * Assistant Principal

Mrs. Kay Medford-Kammerdiener, Director
Mrs. Roseanna Lingerfelt, Artist and Set Designer

Mrs. Paula Brown, Enrichment team leader and PE
Miss Julie Culberson, Enrichment team, PE
Miss Paige Pettigrew, Enrichment team, Art
Mrs. Amy Perry, Enrichment team, Computers
Mrs. Amy Hall, Enrichment team, Library

Thanks  to the 3rd grade teachers for their patience
during the rehearsals and performances.

  Thank You to the following Parents and Volunteers:

Mr. Greg Kammerdiener for providing the ships Mast and Wheel
Robert Lingerfelt ~ Set Assistance
Stacy Burrows ~ Costume Design, Props
Staci Seitz ~ Costume Design
Belinda Harrell ~ Costume Design
Leah Bolt ~ Costume Design
Kim and Joe Asaro ~ Coordination, Sponsor, Photography, Set Assistance
Andrea FitzGerrell ~ Set Assistance
Amy Koenig ~ Assistance
Jessica Ramirez ~ Assistance, Photography


 Great Job 
3rd Graders!

Join Our PTO!

Creighton Elementary PTO
            Take a look at what's coming to our school!

  • I want Creighton Elementary to be one of the best schools in Texas.
  • I want my child to build memories to last a lifetime. To learn and have fun!
  • I want to help decide how PTO funds are spent.
  • I want ALL Creighton's students to be successful.

If the above statements are true, then “help us help the school”. Volunteer to be a part of our new PTO program for 2011-2012.  There are jobs that take no more than a couple hours a month, some that are seasonal, and a few that require a routine commitment.

    As you may know, we haven't had an actual PTO in several years. The last two years, we have been known as PAW. We will begin transitioning into this new program in the upcoming school year.  A lot of our programs will stay the same, however there are a lot of benefits in becoming a PTO. 

Within a few weeks, you will be receiving more information regarding this change. Please look for it in your child's folder.

Dedicated teachers, staff and PARENTS help make Creighton elementary a great school! Join us – it's rewarding, it's important, it's even fun!

 In the meantime, take a look at just a few of the events our amazing PAW parents have sponsored this school year!


Programs Supported
*    Teacher Appreciation
*    Career Day
*    DARE and Red Ribbon

*    Fall and Spring Bookfair
*    Recycling Program

*    3rd and 4th grade Music
*    Teachers Fruit Bowl
*    Yearbook
*    Field Day
*    Polar Express
*    Santa's T-shirts
*    Lost and Found
*    Cookie Dough Fundraiser
*    Career Day
*    WATCH d.o.g.s
*    Box Tops

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February is in full swing at Creighton elementary!

See, it's Joe.
February Happenings

100 day kindergarten celebration
Valentine's Day
SNOW! (okay, not really)
Book Fair (carnival themed)
Third Grade Play - Thursday February 17th at 9:00 am and 6:00 pm
Science and Technology show-February 26th at the Lonestar College on Highway 242

I haven't posted in a while. January is generally the time that we PAW moms refuel from the Holidays so there really wasn't much to report on. Now that February is here, were are as busy as ever and I would like to take this time to thank all of our fantastic PAW moms and WATCHdog dads for all of their hard work. The parents listed below are my special February Thank You's.

Towana Leal... I want to thank you times 1000 for all the hours thats you are putting into the bookfair this week. You have become my go-to mom for this event and I am so grateful to have you to count on.

Jessica Ramirez.... You are the driving force behind our yearbook this year and I am really looking forward to seeing all of your hard work come to fruition! It's going to be amazing.

Amy Koenig... You have been a lifesaver on more than one occasion! You have helped with everything and I am so grateful to have you as a part of our team. From the play to the bookfair and everything in between, it's all been better because of your help!

Belinda Harrell... Thank you for all of your costume help with the Third grade play! From making costumes to helping with dress rehearsal, you have eased a huge burden off of the shoulders of Mrs. Kammerdiener and I.

Staci Seitz.... You have been a real find this this year. We are so happy to have met you and worked with you and look forward to working with you in the future. The costumes you have put so much effort into are so charming and I am really looking forward to seeing the kids wear them.

Stacy Burrows and Leah Bolt.... You two moms have really saved the third grade play this year. You pulled out so many costumes and stage props at the last minute that my head is still spinning. We could not have done it without you both! You really motivated me to push through the pain on this one.

Andrea FitzGerrell... You have been so helpful with the play and the bookfair, not to mention all your hard work on the recycling as well as the spring planting that is right around the corner. The stage set looks amazing and you played a large part in that. Thanks for always being one that I can count on.

Cindy Watford... Thank you for all that you've done in regards to teacher appreciation. They really enjoy everything that we do, from the weekly fruit basket to the birthday treats and Christmas ornaments. You rock!

Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Woolery... You guys are a great team and we are so grateful to you both. Thank you for all your hard work with our WATCHdogs program.

Joe Asaro... Not only are you a great and supportive husband and father, you are also an amazing help at the school. I was looking for pictures of our parents hard at work and 90% of them are of you. Of course, that is a little frustrating, how you hog the camera every chance you get, but you ARE always there for the big events as well as the small ones. Thank you. Now please go to work. :)

I'd like to point out that all of the above names are completely interchangeable. Every one of these parents have lent a helping hand with all of our February Events in large and small ways. They all have one thing in common. They do it for the kids of Creighton.

"Have you Thanked a Parent Volunteer today?"

"You may not have saved a lot of money in your life, but if you have saved a lot of heartaches for other folks, you are a pretty rich man."  ~Seth Parker

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fruit Bowl in Appreciation of our Teachers February and March

feb 7th cindy watford
feb 14th kim asaro
feb 21st robin woolery
feb 28th andrea fitzgerrell
march 7  theresa strube
march 21  holly urena
march 28  hollie johnson