May 2nd - PAW Meeting - May 2nd @ 8:30am Drawing items due
May 6th - Invention Convention -3rd grade- NO volunteers
needed at this time.
Volunteers needed to laminate tags for field day
May 9th - 14th Creighton Teacher Appreciation Week
May 10th - Teacher Appreciation luncheon - volunteers needed
from 10am until 2:00pm to set up and serve
May 11th - Jessica and Kim pick up cake and cupcakes at Sams
May 12th - 10th Anniversary celebration - volunteers needed
from 10am until 2:00 pm to set up and serve
Jessica and Kim- pick up fruit trays from HEB by
May 17th - PAW meeting @ 8:30
complete field day schedule - pass out water in car
rider line (tentative)
May 20th - Belinda Pizza for winning box tops class
(work with Mrs Brown on this)
May 27th - Field Day - 36 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!!!
May 30th - 3rd and fourth grade water day - volunteers needed
May 31st - June 2nd BOGO book fair - volunteers needed