Happy New Year
To all Creighton Paws parents, teachers and students! Todays meeting focused on Scheduling the Book Fair, Field day discussions and Most Importantly wrapping up year book.
Yearbook - YEARBOOK meeting January 25th at 2:30
I need grade level volunteers to work on the portraits section of the yearbook.
Kindergarten and 1st grade are covered, so we need second, third and fourth grades. This is a computer based brogram and may be done at home or the school.Sponsor Spots: We also need to fill 18 more sponsor spots. The cost is 25.00 for a business card sized ad. This includes a free copy of the yearbook! If you know of a business that would be interested, let Crystal Oliver know.
Book Fair:
Setup date - Tuesday, February 16th - Kim Asaro ; Andrea Fitzgerell
Opening Night will be - February 18th during Family Fun night at 6:00 pm.
I will need volunteers to work this event in 15 minute increments, so everyone will be able to enjoy family night.
We will have morning and evening shifts available for volunteers.
morning 7:45 - 12:00
afternoon 11:00- 3:00
Please call or e-mail Kim Asaro
Snacks: also, if anyone would like to bring snacks
for the volunteers that would be greatly appreciated.
Field Day -
We will need all volunteers to help with this event. It will be scheduled sometime in May. We will have popcorn and snowcones to make, as well as booths to attend to along with our school enrichment team members.
Kimberly Asaro
PAW President
Kimberly Asaro
PAW President
Make that 15 spots and they are going FAST!!!