Friday, March 12, 2010

Creighton Spring Book Fair

This is my sixth bookfair with Creighton and although the economy is a big issue, our students and parents really pulled through for us and made this our best book fair to date! Our total fair sales were 7,220.42. That is a 758.15 increase over last spring. Of that our profit is 1,805.11 which will be used for books for our library and our students.

Thank you to Mrs. Massey and Mrs. Barfied for hosting yet another bookfair and for tolerating yet another mess!
Thanks to ALL of our volunteers who participated in this event.

Kimberly Asaro
Heather Byford
Belinda Harrell
Brandy Duncan
Crystal Oliver
Cindy Watford
Towana Leal
Jessica Ramirez

and a special thanks to Mrs Koen for helping with our busiest family night ever!

Kimberly Asaro
PAW President


  1. Wow! This site is amazing! It is so professional! Thank you all for all your hard work, you all are the best!!!


    Mrs. Reid
